Created 30-Oct-18
Modified 30-Oct-18
Kim Kimerling art show, 2016, Sisters, OR
Jim Cornelius portraits with a pen
Mark Kachlein, sculptures
Keith Greeninger portraits, photog's favs
Keith Greeninger portraits
Anvil Blasters 4/11 photoshoot
Keith & Dayan at the Barn July 14, 2011
Galleries 1
Collections 1
Kathy's CD
Modified 19-Oct-08
177 photos
Willie Carmichael & Assoc.
Silver Striders print res
Craig Biswell
Galleries 9
Collections 2
Clay's Photo Reference
Galleries 13
Collections 1
Wolftree-Concert for the Canyon
Sisters Art Works in fall colors
Crescent Moon Alpaca Ranch: shearing event June 16, 2012
Angeline's Bakery crew 2012
Circle of Friends Art & Academy: art shoot
Gail Kearns fiber art, July 2015
Rullman portraits
Created 12-Nov-18
Modified 12-Nov-18
© Lynn Woodward